  • 心慌慌

  • 主演:布莱恩·克劳斯 凯文·格雷维奥斯 路易斯·赫特哈姆
  • 状态:HD1080P中字
  • 导演:DrewGabreski
  • 类型:惊悚 科幻
  • 简介:Not long after John Chambers and his family arrive at their new home in a small country town of Pennsylvania, John begins to experience sleep paralysis. Lying there paralyzed, trapped within his own nightmare, other-worldly beings visit John. They are entities which exist in the darkest shadows of the night and can only be seen out of the corner of one's eye. These encounters begin to haunt John, transforming to complete terror as he discovers the entities' sole purpose... the abduction of his seven year old son. In the end, John will uncover the town's horrific secret, a portal on his land, and make one last attempt to save his son before the shadow people permanently take him away to their world.





视频更新时间:2020-09-13 03:04:51


影片语言:英语对白 中文字幕






剧情介绍:DrewGabreski导演执导的《心慌慌》,该影片在2017年美国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, 每集45分钟由布莱恩·克劳斯 凯文·格雷维奥斯 路易斯·赫特哈姆 等主演的一部不错的英语对白 中文字幕的电视剧。

Not long after John Chambers and his family arrive at their new home in a small country town of Pennsylvania, John begins to experience sleep paralysis. Lying there paralyzed, trapped within his own nightmare, other-worldly beings visit John. They are entities which exist in the darkest shadows of the night and can only be seen out of the corner of one's eye. These encounters begin to haunt John, transforming to complete terror as he discovers the entities' sole purpose... the abduction of his seven year old son. In the end, John will uncover the town's horrific secret, a portal on his land, and make one last attempt to save his son before the shadow people permanently take him away to their world.


页面内容:联泰影视为您提供《心慌慌》免费在线观看地址、经典台词、演员/主演列表、豆瓣评分、全集/分集剧情介绍、海报图片、上映更新时间、影片播放量、 以及精彩的观后评论等内容。

